Saturday, 09 April 2011

Kids in Africa are happy & love motorcycles

I saw a Tweet by @GetOnTweets here today about how Kids in Africa are always so friendly and have big smiles when you come through on bikes. They put this picture up while doing a trip through Lesotho helping out the locals delivering medicine, etc. Good on them. Well done, I love the concept of helping and having fun at the same time.

It reminded me of a recent trip into the back waters of Mozambique where we had exactly the same experience with the kids coming out to see us wherever we got to.

So I thought I'd put up a few of the many pics of the Mozambique kids which I took on our trip in August 2010.  
The Kids were also so friendly and interested in the motorbikes as they came into their villages. They arrived from nowhere and within minutes of stopping the bike there could be anything up to 20 or 30 of them around us.

I guess they do not see strangers and bikes that often so its quite an attraction for them.
 They love being on film and they love the bikes, so when they get both its a big day for them.
This lot just loved seeing the pictures we had just taken, by rushing over to see the back of the camera after each pic. Fortunately it was not a busy train line so no danger of getitng them all run over!
They fetched all that firewood for us in less than a minute! A great example of many hands make light work (literally too in this case)
Towards the end, of quite a few pictures I'd taken of them, they really started showing off and having fun! I didn't want to leave, but as you can see in the background, the rest of the guys had nearly set up the whole camp and I felt I'd better do my bit too.
The kids were so into their new found friends that late into the night they wanted to spend time with us and see how we camped and what we cooked, etc. Eventually one of the parents came out and told them all to go to bed.

This little guy came up to me when I'd stopped the bike to wait for my friend to catch up, and had such a nice smile. At the time I was so busy getting my camera out, I didn't even notice his home mad cap out of cardboard till afterwards! he was obviously proud and showing it off.
One conclusion I've come to having done these trips is that the kids in Africa, while they might be financially poor, are mentally and spiritually far healthier, wealthier and happy.

For these and other motorcycle adventure safaris out in and around Southern Africa go to


1 comment:

  1. Kids in Africa are happy & love motorcycles. I saw a Tweet by @GetOnTweets here today about how Kids in Africa are always ...
