Friday, 13 April 2012

Karoo - Day5 Leg1 - Morning Nieu Bethesda

In the morning after a really sound sleep, we woke to a light rain shower and temperatures rather lower than the day before. Fortunately for the motorbiking, it was not long lived, and cleared up about an hour later as we planned to leave.

We took a walk down to the restaurant, as the system they employ is that the restaurant owner has a few lodges which are fitted out as rooms only and then they offer all their meals at the restaurant. 

Walking through town had some interesting sites to see, and all of it is gravel road, so it really makes it feel like you are living in the past.

This is the daily blog from A short series on the Karoo Motorbike tour we took on during September 2011. See the plans for the trip blog here: Planning a 6 day 2500km route through the Karoo maximising dirt
More South and Southern African motor cycle tours on our list of tour route summaries are available, where we explore these sorts of motorcycle tour routes. Just choose one of our events and reserve yourself a place on one of the future motorcycle adventure safari events.
First thing in the morning - we woke up to a light rain shower
Our bikes had been parked in the vegetable garden for the night
Locking up - see evidence of the rain
The streets of the town use a "Leiwater" system - small irrigation channels
Our lodge the Outsider - a really nice spot
We wondered off to the restaurant for breakfast
One of the lodges we passed on the way

Coming up to the High street
Walking down the road

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